Here is some feedback from one of our Dental Sedation Students..
Initially once i had signed up onto the course i was very excited, as the sedation qualification is something i had always wanted to achieve.
Once i received all of my logins for Pebblepad and Dental Training I began to feel incredibly overwhelmed and felt there was a lot of work to get through. I know the type of person i am, i tend to put a lot of pressure on myself but once i broke everything down into sections i knew i would be able to complete everything.
I didn't know how i was going to find the time to log all of my PCAS, DOCs and complete my modules. i only work part time but after a few weeks i found my feet and got into a new routine.
I was also conscious that all of my witnesses were busy and i didn't want to bother them with signing my work but of course they didn't mind. Working clinically for the first few weeks monitoring the patient, helping with cannulation and recovering the patient i must admit i struggled. It didn't come naturally for me i was so used to dental nursing so switching roles really took time to get used to. I am really lucky to be supported by a great team, my senior manager always gives me enough allocated time for study.
The sedation qualified nurses were always there when i needed help or guidance when i was unsure on anything. I defiantly feel like i have progressed so much in the last few months, i feel so much more comfortable and confident with monitoring the patient and knowing what to look out for if the patient starts to feel unwell. I am really looking forward to completing all of my work and gaining the sedation qualification."
Coming into the last few weeks before handing in my ROC i feel like i have accomplished alot, Im actually really proud of myself. I really feel like i have managed my time well and completed alot of my work without feeling to stressed and worked up like i initially thought i was going to be.
I enjoyed gaining new skills like assisting with cannulation, drawing up drugs, monitoring the patient during intravenous sedation and removing peoples cannulas. I can feel such an enormous shift in my confidence since starting my Roc at the beginning of the year. I must admit i do think i need to work on my confidence when on monitoring patients during inhalation sedation, it makes me slightly anxious. On my department at the dental hospital we don't do alot of this particular procedure, it is more intravenous sedation procedures we deal with on a daily basis.
But i have no doubt that in time that confidence will come with experience over the next coming months. I just need to believe in myself a bit more as i know i am fully capable. I felt exactly the same when i first started monitoring the patient during intravenous sedation procedures, but as i assisted more often it became more second nature to me. Because my department doesnt do alot of RA sessions i needed to go to a different department in the hospital occasionally to gain my PCAS cases, this brought its own challenges of working in a new environment with new members of staff.
The team on the sedation department made me very welcome and i have slowly started to feel more comfortable working within a new setting. I am really looking forward to gaining my sedation qualification and solo nursing for sedation procedures both IV and inhalation in the future.
Please get in touch if you have any questions about our courses and our no interest payment plans that we have available.
Just email: or call: 0118 926 1533