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Does this sound familiar?

We meet so many passionate individuals who would make amazing dental nurses but they are struggling to afford the courses they need to get started.

Our company began so we can help find a way for everyone to achieve their goals within Dental Nursing.

We offer 0% finance on all of our NEBDN courses to help you achieve your goals.

If this post relates to you, please get in touch by emailing us or pick up the phone for a quick call so we can explore your options.

Email: Phone: 0118 926 1533

Manny has just arrived back home from her 10 day trip in Morocco with Dentaid.

Manny provided outreach dental care in primary and secondary schools.

In some of the schools, up to 70 per cent of children donโ€™t own a toothbrush and they are seen as luxury, unaffordable items.

Because of this, many children are suffering from severe decay.

We are proud to say that we trained Manny as a Dental Nurse and this has opened many doors for her to do amazing work like this.

If you love to travel and want to see the world while providing important support for those who need it, then have a look at our NEBDN Courses.

We are currently ยฃ100 off in May, just use the code โ€œShow100โ€ at the checkout.

If you want any further information on our courses and to find out how we can help you, then get in touch.

Have the best Monday everyone!

As many jobs continue the work-from-home setup, people spend less time grooming themselves for the day. Aโ€ฏstudy on personal groomingโ€ฏnotes that remote workers spend one-third less time preparing themselves for work on average. But with the convenience of not having to go out come some sacrifices in personal hygiene; as many as 26.6% of remote US workers skip daily showers, compared to 15% of office workers, and workers who stay at home had a notable 3.5% drop in oral hygiene. Furthermore, remote workers are also prone to snacking, especially on salty or sweet foods. Combined with poor oral hygiene habits, these can ruin dental health in the short term. Rather than exacerbating the problem and leading to costly dental check-ups, work-from-home workers must make an effort to fulfil proper oral hygiene. In this article, weโ€™ll cover some dental care tips while working from home:

Limit consumption of sugary food and drinks

While all foods and drinks can cause tooth decay when not dealt with properly, some particular food and drinks can accelerate the process. Aโ€ฏreport on dental healthโ€ฏnotes that there are more than 700 species of bacteria within our mouths, both helpful and harmful bacteria. The latter can break down the sugars and turn them into acids that pull minerals from your teeth, leading to cavities. As many know, these problems are caused by sugary food and drinks. Considering how the work-from-home setup can tempt us to make a homemade fruit smoothie or eat sweet biscuits on the reg, we must become more mindful of what we eat and drink. Through proper awareness, we can protect our dental health and improve our overall body health.

Schedule self-care breaks

The hustle and bustle of work can sometimes keep you occupied and end up with you neglecting your health. If you spend too much time on the computer or at your desk, you may experience health problems and even contribute to burnout. That is why one of theโ€ฏbest tips for professionals working from homeโ€ฏis to schedule breaks and follow them. Set aside time for lunch and smaller breaks throughout the day to rest your mind and rest your body; make sure you donโ€™t work during these times. These breaks are perfect moments to incorporate dental care routines like flossing orโ€ฏbrushing your teeth, activities that only take as little as two to four minutes to accomplish.

Set reminders

If you tend to forget to do your dental care routines, you can set reminders to ensure you follow through with these good habits. Sometimes, people set alarms to remind themselves but skip these notifications and forget about them later. Like scheduling work meetings or breaks, you must make these times a non-negotiable moment. A potential alternative is to have an accountability buddy where you both can check in with each other to fulfil healthcare routines. You can encourage each other to build good habits beyond consistent oral hygiene, such as encouraging them to eat less sugary snacks and opt for more fruits and vegetables. Through mutual support, you both can improve both oral and body health. It can be easy to neglect dental care when working from home. But you can work towards a Hollywood smile by being more mindful of sugar intake, scheduling self-care, and being consistent with these good habits.

Written by Carlisle Lindsay for

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