Dentists who have studied dentistry outside the EU are required to take the Overseas Registration Examination (ORE) in order to become registered with the General Dental Council and practise as a dentist in the UK.
Taking the ORE can often take time, and whilst preparing to sit these assessments, dentists will study for a dental nurse qualification, and work as a dental nurse in the UK until they are able to complete their ORE and start work as a UK dentist.
For a non-EU dentist, with the right to work or study in the UK, joining a dental nursing course can give excellent, first-hand insight into working in the UK dental sector.
DTL can help non-EU dentists to become dental nurses, assisting them to understand and experience UK dentistry, and establish themselves as registered dental care professionals before or during their ORE.
By undertaking a dental nursing qualification, overseas dentists can work in the UK as a GDC registered dental nurse, allowing them to understand UK legislation and guidance in every area of dentistry specific to the UK, including:
• Infection control
• Radiography and radiation protection
• Legal and ethical issues
• Registrant obligations
• Finances
• General working conditions
• Patient expectations, patient care and management
• Health and safety in the workplace
• Managing medical emergencies
• Managing and treating oral diseases and pathology
Oral surgery
Sedation techniques
• Oral health promotion and preventative dentistry.
It can also help to build a network of dental care professionals, which may aid in securing an employment placement as a dentist, once they have completed the oversees exam.
DTL offer the national diploma in dental nursing, which can be completed at any time convenient to the learner.
As well as the theoretical learning, the learner will also need to complete a practical portfolio, known as the record of experience.
To complete this portfolio, the learner will need to be working within a dental practice as a ‘trainee dental nurse’.
Following completion of the practical portfolio, the learner can sit the exam. Once passed, the learner will be registered with the general dental council.
The learner can enrol on the course, whilst looking for employment within a dental practice, this is also something we can assist with.
We also have our dental advisor Alfie, who has been a qualified dentist for 28 years, and is more than happy to support learners with any dental related queries or concerns they may have.